Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Atirakih on Lalibelulaa's Story

Jeje! I give your story a 8.5.

"los humanos persistimos por nuestras fallas y unas inseguridades extremas que se transforman en razones para morir y en algunas ocasiones para vivir.."

Pessimist or Realist, I think you're in the borderline. The story reminds me of Jim Jones in Brazil and his Jonestown cult. Hope it doesn't end in mass suicide over the internet. Are you saying that our insecurities lead us to perceive others as " superior"?

On another note are you going to develop the characters behind the screen? The " internet cult " members you are creating. I believe their just seeking human contact because of fear. This, as you mention, makes them gullible.Maybe they are as skeptic as the main character. Giving the main character a false sense of superiority. She might even endup deceiving herself. The hunter cannot survive without its prey.

Hope to read the rest of it,
